What is Frost Free Refrigerator and How does it Work?

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Hey guys, how are you all? You guys must be familiar with the terms like single-door refrigerators, double-door refrigerators, and side by side refrigerators, etc., right? But, thinking What is Frost Free Refrigerator?

Don’t worry as this whole article will only revolve around the frost-free refrigerators such as what it is, how it works n all related things, right.

So keep reading this article if you want to know about this technique in detail. Now let’s move further and know what it is exactly.

What is Frost Free Refrigerator?

Frost-Free is actually a technique used in refrigerators to remove frost formed around the evaporator coil inside the freezer compartment. As we know that frost happens when water vapors hit the evaporator coil inside the freezer of the fridge.

This technique helps in keeping your refrigerator free from frost, as its name suggests itself. It clearly means that you don’t need to defrost manually again and again.

So, as you know now that it’s a frost-removing technique used in refrigerators, but do you know how many types of Frost Free Refrigerators are there.

Let’s take a look at them.

Types of Frost Free Refrigerators?

Except for single-door refrigerators, all the other types of refrigerators come with Frost Free technology. These refrigerator types include Double Door, Side-by-Side Door, French Door, etc.

You must be thinking about which technique is used in single-door refrigerators.

The technique used in single-door refrigerators is called Direct Cool. If you want to learn the detailed difference between Frost Free and Direct Cool refrigerators, you can read our already-written article on the same.

What are the Components Used in a Frost Free Refrigerators?

If I talk about components, there are mainly three types of components that are used in Frost Free refrigerators, namely,

  • Heating Element
  • Timer, and
  • Temperature Sensor

How Do Frost Free Technology Work?

Now let’s talk about “How does Frost Free technology work”. There is a heating element wrapped around the evaporator coil. The timer turns on the heating element every 6 hours of interval.

When this process is taking place, the fan inside the freezer is turned off automatically so that heat is not spread all over.

When all the ice is melted down, the residue liquid flushes out and collected in the bins located at the bottom. The temperature sensor senses if the temperature goes above 0° C (or 32° F) then, it will automatically turn off the heating element and after some time fan starts automatically. And, this cycle is continuous.

Advantages of a Frost Free Refrigerator

  • Automatic Defrosting (Don’t need to defrost manually, which saves your time and physical effort).
  • Large Storage Capacity.
  • Provide Effective and Excellent Cooling Inside.
  • Food will stay fresh and healthy for a longer time.
  • Low Maintenance

Disadvantages of a Frost Free Refrigerator

  • Use Higher Energy/Electricity
  • Costly
  • Complicated & Costly Repairing


Frost Free technology is the most advanced technology used in household refrigerators nowadays. So by reading this article, I hope your doubts would be cleared about Frost Free refrigerators.

We tried to cover here every possible aspect of the Frost Free refrigerator so that you don’t have to go anywhere else.

Hope you liked our content.

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Also, do share this content/article with your friends and family too on social media. So, that’s it for now and we will meet in the next one. Till then,


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Why does frost freeze less in a frost-free refrigerator than in a direct cool refrigerator?

Ans: The simple reason behind this is its fans. In the frost-free refrigerators, there are multiple fans used at the back in both the compartments. These fans help in spreading cold air inside the refrigerator evenly so that if any moisture comes inside it will make that colder before touching the evaporator coil and prevent frosting.

However, it is common for frost to accumulate inside when the refrigerator door is left open for an extended period of time or if there is a problem with the gasket leaking.

Q2: Why do Frost Free refrigerators consume higher energy?

Ans: Since many electronic components are used in Frost Free refrigerators like Fans, Sensors, Heating Element, etc. Although these components provide quality cooling inside, they also consume a lot of energy too. Hence, this enhances the overall usage of energy in the refrigerator.

Q3: How often does a Frost Free refrigerator defrost?

Ans: The Frost Free refrigerators do defrost automatically. But, usually, it takes up to 20 to 30 minutes of timing to defrost the whole ice. And, manufacturers usually preset timers to 6, 12, or 24 hours intervals.

Q4: How can we overcome the frost formation in the fridge?

Ans: The main reason for frost formation inside the freezer of the fridge is letting warm air or moisture come inside the freezer compartment. And there are many ways in which it can happen such as frequent door openings, gasket leakage, etc.

You just need to take care that you avoid instant door opening and also don’t leave the door open for too long. And, make sure that if the gasket leaks or there is a gap between it, just replace it.

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